The Feasts and Celebrations of YHWH our God

The Scriptures call us to follow YHWH God in HIS design for life in everything. Eve didn't trust Him so she came up with her own design for living that involved eating a fruit that He had said would bring death to her. Serving in a function as Adam's helper to help him stay focused on what YHWH gave them to experience joy, love, and life, she pointed Adam in a direction that was completely the opposite of what YHWH designed for them. Together, she and Adam pursued their own designed and brought death for us all.


When the people who trusted YHWH, not Jew and Gentile, were in Egypt, they followed His design where He had them kill a lamb and paint the blood on the doorposts of their house. YHWH told them that the Death Angel (Christ the Messiah) would bring life to them by passing over their homes and go to those who didn't trust Him and kill their firstborns. This began His Feast called Passover. There are two other feast He said He wanted all those who trusted in Him to celebrate each year - Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles. He said these were HIS feasts and festivals. They aren't Jewish festivals. They aren't man-made festivals. He set them as festivals to focus on the fantastic life He has for each of us who are willing to trust Him with all of our hearts instead of focusing on our own designs. That was the battle in the garden. It was the battle for the Jews and Gentiles who came out of Egypt. It is the battle for us today.

These festivals were when and where the early church came together as YHWH God shares with us in the Old and New Scriptures. It was here that new relationships were built outside of the home church of which they were a part. It was a time of intense sharing, worship, fun, and celebration! It is available for you…in your city!

We want you to consider Him and His designs for your life and your families and with those with whom you share life. We will be sharing thoughts in those regards, as well as, tools to help you to celebrate His design. The tools we offer are just that - tools. The designs He has for us are for all time and with significant purpose of joy, love and life! Please study the Scriptures. He makes it simple for us. Know you are deeply treasured. He alone can reach down deep into each of our hearts to bring us stability and strength. We can't do it ourselves. Our designs and traditions never will. But His will! You are treasured! You are loved! Celebrate it all! Trust Him!


Passover is the first celebration He gives us. Why do we celebrate it? What does it all mean? Who is it for? When does He say to celebrate it and why then? How do we celebrate it and why? What are parts of it and why?

Many have attempted to paint the picture of Passover as a "Jewish" holiday. But Jesus says over and over again, "These are my appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the Lord, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies. (Leviticus 23:2)" They are God's festivals to be celebrated for Him! This festival is designed by God to celebrate His redemptive work that was established as Jesus says in Revelation 13:8 "the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world." Through the redemptive power of the cross that was established from the beginning and looked forward to it in time, Passover points to His power through the blood shed by THE Lamb. It is His festival because of the impact on all three persons of the Godhead. As Christ is the judge - at that time and the ed of time - He grants life to all who trust Him and the blood of the Lamb!

So Passover is a celebration for all people of who have faith in YHWH God through the blood of His Son, the Messiah. He has established it for all for all time. Men like Constantine and Martin Luther hated the Jews and tried to get rid of anything that was tied to them. So the "spiritual" fathers created alternative, man-made festivals to replace God's festivals. In later Scripture translations they even changed the word Passover to Easter (Acts 12:4-KJV). See, the evil one doesn't want us to follow YHWH's designs but create our own to worship Him in the way WE want to. In Genesis 3 the evil one affirmed what God said concerning eating of the tree. Eve and Adam chose an alternative design of life that they desired. The evil one says to us today, didn't YHWH say that this is His festival and we are to celebrate it every year? To which many say yes, but it's not what I want. So they follow men's designs. In Galatians 4 Paul warns the Galatian believers from going back to the patterns they had before they started walking with Christ. They observed all kinds of special days and months and seasons and years that men had created from following different gods. They spent 40 days going without something as a statement following Tamuz, the son of their god, Nimrod, They had a grand sunrise celebration to him each year where they ate pig meat as a statement against the boars who killed him and his father. The Galatians were going back to those special days and seasons and Paul warned them to follow the Messiah's designs that He spoke to them throughout the Scriptures - His Words.

He has come to give us life! His life! Through His designs. Not as the Jewish fathers developed their own law and designs that took life away, but God's designs for abundant celebration of life! HE has always been consistent in bringing life. Men have twisted and created their own designs, raising themselves above Him.

Passover is the first festival pointing us to where it all begins - with the blood sacrifice of the Lamb for us even though we were filled with sin, He can transform us. He can. We can't. That's why we plead with Him to change us instead of us changing ourselves. As we spend time with Him, His words speak with the same power that brought everything into existence. He speaks and our lives are changed! He speaks joy to the downtrodden, life to the dying, love to those who ache in their loneliness! He alone can reach into the deepest parts of our hurts and heal us. He says in Isaiah 64 that He is the potter and we are the clay. Most of us want to be both and want others to, as well. No father, mother, sister, brother, friend, teacher, or oneself can reach into those deepest aches and pains and bring life, but Him. That's why He wants us to celebrate the festival of the Passover.

We want to invite you to come celebrate Passover with us this April 10 at 5 pm at 1938 Carrollton Ave. Please let us know if you are coming by emailing Arch at to make sure we have enough food. Also, if you have any questions, please email Arch, or call him at 317-501-5039. Love you and look forward to celebrating together!

Pentecost - Shavuot

Pentecost is the second celebration He gives us. Why do we celebrate it? What does it all mean? Who is it for? When does He say to celebrate it and why then? How do we celebrate it and why? What are parts of it and why?

Feast of Tabernacles

Feast of Tabernacles is the third celebration He gives us. Why do we celebrate it? What does it all mean? Who is it for? When does He say to celebrate it and why then? How do we celebrate it and why? What are parts of it and why?